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Eminent Domain Battle in Mississippi Highlights Property Owners’ Plight

Bay Point Properties v. MTC is a condemnation case in Mississippi. It highlights the continued plight of property owners in eminent domain cases to get just compensation. Unfortunately, the Mississippi Supreme Court disagreed. Advocates for property owners are joining in to get the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case. For more, see the NFIB article:

In North Carolina, the NC Eminent Domain Attorneys at Hendrick Bryant Nerhood Sanders & Otis (HBNSO) continue to fight for the rights of property owners affected by the Map Act subsequent to our North Carolina Supreme Court victory in Kirby v. North Carolina Department of Transportation (2016). If the Map Act Corridor (NC Map Act) has affected your property, call us to discuss your case at 336-723-7200.

Below is a Raleigh News and Observer article discussing the Kirby v. NCDOT victory:

Matthew Bryant is the attorney who argued the successful inverse condemnation case involving the NC Map Act


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