Wake County, NC – We represent clients in a partition case involving 22.23 acres on Litchford Road in north Raleigh. 10.2 acres is on west side of the road and 12 acres on the eastern side. Property will partitioned between the parties.
When Partitioned our clients will be seeking buyers for their interest.
This is one of the last few tracts of this size in this area of Raleigh.
Property address is 8020 Litchford Rd. Tax info: PIN 1717882715
When property is officially partitioned, we will update this information.
Partition actions in NC are governed by Chapter 46A of the General Statutes. For those statutes: https://www.ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/ByChapter/Chapter_46A.pdf
Hendrick Bryant Nerhood & Sanders PLLC handles partition cases statewide. Call Kirk or Josh at 336-723-7200

NC Partition Tracts