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NC Attorney Referrals

Many of Hendrick Bryant Nerhood Sanders & Otis’ clients are referred by other attorneys as well as referrals from other clients. The typical cases include handling eminent domain, personal injury, and estate & trust litigation.

We receive referrals from out of state attorneys. In addition, North Carolina lawyers contact us about handling a cases outside their area of practice.

The North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct implicitly recognize that clients are best served when they have competent representation including the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness, and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation. The comments to The North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct recognize that lawyers can bring in other attorneys with needed areas of expertise, and still share in the responsibility and the fees. We comply fully with the North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct while documenting the client’s consent to an appropriate allocation of fees and responsibility between counsel in an attorney referral fee agreement.

Who can benefit from an attorney referring a litigation case to Hendrick Bryant Nerhood Sanders & Otis? ●Attorneys that do not handle litigation, including eminent domain, inverse condemnation, will caveats, trust litigation, fiduciary litigation, or estate litigation, contingent fee cases, and personal injury; ●Attorneys that do not have the experience, time, capital or resources to handle big damage cases on a contingency basis; ●Attorneys from other jurisdictions that are unable to handle these litigation cases in North Carolina.

Call us early in the case or claim. Waiting on a case can lead to loss of evidence, including spoilation, diminishing witness memory, and difficulty collecting on a judgment. This is particularly true in the fiduciary litigation cases.

In the last few years here are some examples of the attorney referral fees we have disbursed in our attorney referral fees arrangements:

  1. $183,000 eminent domain case;

  2. $119,000 in estate litigation matter;

  3. $80,000 in fiduciary litigation matter;

  4. $64,000 in personal injury case;

  5. $16,667 in wrongful death vehicle case;

  6. $37,100 dog attack case; and

  7. $11,500 wrongful death case and injured party.

Here is a link to our firm’s NC estate, trust, and fiduciary litigation post regarding attorney referral arrangements.

Call to discuss your case. We have many repeat attorneys who refer our firm contingency cases. 336-723-7200


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